Bickerton Community Group – Chatterbox
Chatterbox October Newsletter
As we approach the end of our first year it is perhaps a good time for reflection. The Chatterbox venture was born from a pastoral initiative led by Rev Lucy Brencher in November 2018. Lucy was looking into ways of bringing people together, how to address needs of all types, for all ages and in ways that would make a lasting impact. If we as a team could interrupt ‘loneliness’ for some, provide companionship for others it would be a start. If you are thinking you have more than enough to do please reconsider, come along say HELLO! It might make all the difference to someone else.
With all this in mind we wasted no time and our first gathering was in December of last year. Bickerton villagers met at Linda and Johns, for mince pies and a cuppa’. There was lots of conversation about future village venues, entertainment, speakers, educational visits and more… the list is endless. We soon realized an opportunity was needed for people, not just to gather each month for coffee but also to be part of a group, for activities/outings. By discussing our ‘likes,’ experiences were shared and entertainment/tours/speakers were organized, friendships have been made and may long it continue.
Chatterbox is a Bickerton village initiative but we have been delighted to welcome people from all parts of the wider parish on our outings and events. It is through the generosity of the Rural Ainsty Parish that we use St Helen’s Church when a larger venue is needed; this has made much of what we do possible. We are grateful to the previous PCC at St Helen for its forethought in introducing the toilet/kitchenette facility. Without the finance and commitment from the PCC, local people, other charities and the parish council, this addition would not have been possible.
Back to the task in hand, the outing to Allerton Park Recycling Centre went well on the 12th September, with 14 people from across the parish enjoying the tour. Thanks to Joyce who has taken a great photo of you all, done the write up published in this month’s parish magazine and also the Wetherby News. A big thank you to Diane Middleton who hosted the ‘coffee and chat’ on the 20th September. It was a great opportunity to nurture new ideas for outings/events and you didn’t hold back, I am on the case! It is likely we will have an opportunity for a craft session to make a Christmas Wreathe before Christmas thanks to Diane and Judith, more information to follow.
The Visit to York Minster 18th October at 10.30am is still to come.
This is an opportunity to enjoy FREE entry to this beautiful building followed by time to lunch
and shop with friends. Please inform Susie if you would like to join this outing 01423 358340.
Friday November 22nd 10-12noon we will be meeting at the home of fabric artist Julie
McCready. Julie is looking forward to the opportunity, of sharing her
skills/knowledge and discussing the inspiration behind her work. Coffee, Chat and Good
Company will be in abundance so please join us. Julie also exhibits with York Textile artists if
any of you wish to know more.
December we will be all set for our Christmas activities and off to a fine start with a joyous
evening on Friday 6th December 7.30pm at St Helen’s in the company of the York Ukulele Band.
Taste your first homemade Mince pies of the season accompanied by a festive beverage. We do
hope you will join us on this the first of our Christmas activities, with the chance to sing along
to some well-known Christmas favourites. Tickets available £5 from Susie and the Team.
Also on Friday the 20th December we will have our village carol singing followed by Mince
pie and Mulled wine at Trevor and Margaret Grants house.
Our grateful thanks to Trevor and Margaret for hosting this event. If you prefer not to join us
for the carol singing, the mulled wine and mince pie invitation is still on offer so please come
along, Margaret and Trevor will be delighted to see you.
Suggestions for next year’s outings/activities – Comments appreciated.
Tour of Allerton Park Castle, probably after Easter (April)
Visit to Beartrice Wright Centre for hearing dogs. . Thursdays (max 20). Road to Pocklington.
Alistair to investigate a trip in April, May.
Leventhorpe Wines visit and Yorkshire Heart Nun Monkton visits. Alistair to investigate
evening visits in the summer.
Beningborough Home Farm Lunch. Linda has investigate and a group visit has been
pencilled in, £7.50 for a two course lunch at 12pm on Wednesday 18 March as a premothers
day celebration, you don’t really need an excuse, inform Linda by January 10th
2020 if you are intending to come along. More reminders WILL follow.
Bickerton open gardens (Chill! weeds are good, they are natures flowers) let us know if you
think this could be of interest to you and you are willing to open your garden?
Pantomime York January 2021 we will look out for offers! suggestion from Margaret Rogers.
Other group outings for Wetherby cinema or theatre can be arranged if enough interest.
Visit to Barley Hall York, town house of the 15th century Snawsell family from Bilton.
Beginners Bridge contact Linda if this ‘floats your boat’. Grass bowls still possible rain meant
we had to cancel this year, Sorry! Fashion Show we are still looking into.
CPR and work a Defibrillator session run by Paramedic Geoff Farnworth. He is getting back to
We have a chatterbox Whatsapp group, names to Dianne Middleton.
If you have neighbours who would like to receive the ‘Bickerton Chatterbox’ newsletter, or
discontinue it, please ask them to contact Susie ( 01423 358340). If you
have any suggestions please also inform Susie or any of the team..
Best wishes – Karen, Susie, Joyce and Linda